Dear Wonderful Fans,
Thank-you so much for coming out and supporting us against VCU this weekend! It’s difficult to compete with a men’s basketball game being scheduled at the same time so we are very grateful for your attendance and support.
40th anniversary celebrations: As I’m sure you all know, Duke athletics was celebrating the 40th anniversary of Duke women’s athletics this weekend. It was such a treat for all of us to get to know some of the older alumni as well as see some of our beloved familiar faces that graduated within the past few years. We all attended a dinner on Friday night where we got the chance to talk to the alumni. Additionally, some current and past athletes gave wonderful speeches where they reminisced on their experiences at Duke. This once again showed us how lucky we are to be part of DWT and how the friendships and support network that we form on our team will travel with us beyond Duke and hopefully in the future, we will also come together at these events and be able to look back fondly on our Duke experience.
DWT Tennis Clinic: Last Sunday, we hosted a very well received clinic for children between the ages of 7 and 15 from different tennis clubs in Durham. Initially, the clinic was intended to introduce The Girls Club mentoring program mentees to tennis and our team but unfortunately, they were unable to attend. However, we were pleased to host over 20 children! We played some really fun games throughout the morning with some “snack breaks” as a little boy labeled the breaks in between the games where everyone would run and grab a little treat from the assorted cookies, bars and snack packets that we had available for them. At the end of the fun-filled morning, each child went away with some form of Duke memorabilia in addition to what we hope is a fond memory of spending some time on court with us. All in all, this was a great event for the children and for us, and we hope to host one again in the near future!
This week, we travel to Notre Dame to play on Saturday at 3:30 PM! This should be a great match and we hope that you follow our results online.
Yours in Tennis,
Monica Gorny and the rest of DWT.