Dear Blue Devil Fans,
Sorry for not having a blog post in
awhile we have been super busy with midterms coming up and cant forget to
mention DWT’s huge win over number 2 ranked and also 2 time defending champion
Florida. This is my third year at Duke and we have not beaten them since I have
attended Duke. Our most recent lost to them was 4-3 at the NCAA tournament
which was a huge heartbreaker and the team was hungry for revenge. The girls
came out with such fight and energy that we were able to pull out a win. We
talked a lot before the match about how we need to BELIEVE that we can beat
them and that we put in the time and effort needed to succeed, as well as
focusing on playing the person rather than the name on the jersey. The girls were extremely proud of what they
accomplished and it was mentioned several times that hard work does pay off,
and all the hours put in were worth it after a win like that.
After that big win we had a meeting
with Greg Dale where we talked about what we did well and what it looks like when
we play well versus when we are having an off day. We used this to pinpoint
what makes us not play our best such as pressure or fear of loosing, and came
up with strategies to help us preform our best as often as possible. Our next
match was Princeton who we knew wasn’t as big of as match as Florida but the
girls set up goals for themselves to keep them motivated. DWT knew that that
they were going to come out fighting hard and they did not want a let down
after their huge win. They knew that the stands weren’t going to be as full as
Florida and we needed to bring our own energy which we did, it was not our best
match but we did enough to get the win.
Next up the girls will travel to
Michigan and Notre Dame. Both are very good teams and from my experience last
year Notre Dame was a very hard place to play at they have a great crowd that
comes out to the matches.
Although I am not traveling with
the team to these matches I will be rooting for them, just like all of you who
are reading this blog, and could not be more proud of the way that these girls
have been preforming. I would love nothing more than to be out their competing
with them but there is no doubt in my mind that these girls are going to have
an unbelievable season this year.
We really appreciate everyone who
has been coming out to support us at our matches and we are really excited to
see you all at the matches as our outdoor season is right around the corner!
Rachel Kahan and the rest of DWT!!!!