Friday, January 7, 2011

Hills Family Trip - Hawaii Day 2

Aloha everyone,

Day 2 in Hawaii! Waking up to another 82 degrees and all sun, another day in paradise. We started off the day going to an amazing buffet breakfast with some of the best tasting fruits we’ve ever had. After eating a good amount of food, we all loaded up the vans and headed to the courts for a practice with the Louisville tennis team. It was a good way to really get into the match mode mentality and get the competitive juices flowing. After a set of doubles and a couple sets of singles, our day became even more exciting. We headed to the North Shore of the island where some of the biggest waves in the world are. A surfing competition was taking place so we watched that for a while and then decided to test the unknown waters ourselves. We made it in to about our knees until everyone was on their back falling into the water. The ocean kicked my butt today stealing my sunglasses and necklace, so mad!! After some tackling in the sand, some competitions of who would be the last knocked down in the water, and staring at some cute girls, we headed back to the hotel through a beautiful scenic route with mountains, crazy trees, and the ocean on our side the whole time. We had some good chicken and burgers for dinner, and are all so exhausted from the action packed day. Keep everyone updated, more to come about tomorrow!

-Jared Pinsky

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