Friday, November 18, 2011

Fall 2011 Reflection

Dear Wonderful Fans,

Our fall season has officially come to an end and I’d just like to thank-you all so much for the support throughout the semester. Since our last tournament, we have taken some time to reflect on the positives and negatives of the semester and the things that we need to work on going into the spring season.

In my view, we have an amazing group of girls who have grown so much closer since the beginning of the year. Having four new freshmen on a team can always pose some difficulties with team dynamics but we have been really fortunate to have amazing personalities that have taken the idea of “team” to heart and have proven to have the potential to become true team players.

Having said that, I think that we will grow a lot closer as we move into dual match season. The freshmen have just come in off the junior and pro circuits where the main focus has been on themselves. However, as the upperclassmen already know, college tennis is all about the team and dual match season will help the freshmen realize this very soon.

In the next couple of weeks leading up to Christmas break, I will post video interviews of each of the freshmen so that you can hear their thoughts of their first semester at Duke as well as their goals going into season:

To access these videos and others that have been taken throughout this semester please go to:

Once again, thanks for the support and have a happy Thanksgiving!


Yours in tennis,

Monica Gorny and the rest of DWT

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Welcome Back!

Dear Wonderful Fans,

Welcome back from the summer! Again, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Monica Gorny and I am a senior on the women’s tennis team. Throughout our season last year, I kept the Duke tennis blog up-to-date with our trips, events and the likes. I cannot express how amazing your support has been throughout the years and I hope that it continues to flourish as we move into our 2011/2012 year.

First of all, I’d like to introduce you to our four new and AMAZING freshmen that joined us this semester: Beatrice Capra, Monica Turewicz, Annie Mulholland and Ester Goldfeld. These girls have been a wonderful addition to our team thus far; on and off the court. Their professionalism and work ethic will be much appreciated by the coaches and by the upperclassmen as we move towards the season. I will make sure to give you a little more information about each of them so that you know exactly who you are supporting at our matches later on this year.

This weekend will see action from both the men’s and women’s team as we compete in the Fab Four Tournament, held at Cary Tennis Center from Friday to Sunday. Matches start at 10 AM on Friday. If you can, please come and support us! We’d love to see some Duke fans in the stands.


Yours in Tennis,

Monica Gorny and the rest of DWT

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Discipline and Trust

Dear Wonderful Fans,

Unfortunately, our home match season has come to an end. I cannot express our gratitude for all you support this season. Seeing and hearing you all at our matches got us through thick and through thin and I can assure you that you made our jobs out there a lot easier. Having said that, we still have a long way to go this season. And this is where it gets exciting. Our wins against top ACC teams this past week have given us a great confidence boost as we move into our ACC tournament and NCAA tournament play after this weekend. Our ITA team ranking has moved to 3, making us the top ranked ACC school, Nadine Fahoum had amazing wins against both Clemson and Georgia Tech at the number 1 position making her ACC player of the week, and Big Ray is still at a cruising altitude of 22 consecutive wins. Needless to say, these achievements are something to be proud of. But our team very strongly recognizes that our goal still remains exactly the same as it was at the beginning of the semester: to become National Champions.

Yesterday, we had a team psychology session with Greg Dale, which reinforced our ultimate goals and mission of the season. Individual and team successes are very rewarding and very significant no matter how small or big they may seem. However, it is sometimes easy to immerse oneself in one’s successes and lose track of the thing that has been the driving factor from the get-go. I think that yesterday’s session really helped put everything in perspective. Earlier in the semester we spoke of our core values within the team: Trust, Team First, Discipline and Fight. At this point in the season we realize that it is important for us to reflect on these values and do our best to stay true to them for the team’s sake. Two blogs ago, I talked of the “Team First” aspect and I still maintain that our team is one of the most integrated there is. Right now, it is important for us to focus intently on the “Trust” and “Discipline” values that we discussed. “What can I do to contribute to this team’s success?”

It is no secret that our team for the most part suffers from a Facebook addiction. Within 2 hours after practice, you can rest assured that there will be some DWT Facebook activity. Of course this is a way for us to take a break from a very demanding life and communicate with people we do not have time to see on a daily basis. However (and here I speak for myself), Facebook has the tendency to consume and I know that I have been drawn into this on several occasions. Instead of finishing work in a timely manner to go to sleep early, I have stayed up late because of these types of distractions. As we move towards the demanding end of the semester academically and tennis-wise, eliminating these seemingly insignificant distractions will become the determining factor in how we fair. Additionally, it has become imperative that each of us takes the time and effort to take care of our bodies. Whether this means taking 5 minutes extra to stretch or go to the training room, we all realize that we need to be committed to this. It is all about staying disciplined and trusting that your teammates will do the same. By making these small sacrifices, we can each make the world of difference.

I am happy to announce that Reka and some other girls have placed a block on their Facebook during their study hours and I am limiting my “Facebook and distraction” time to once a day in an effort to get to bed earlier.

This week we leave to Florida for our last two ACC regular season matches:

On Friday at 5PM we play Miami and on Sunday at 12PM we play Florida State.


Yours in Tennis,

Monica Gorny and the rest of DWT

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Leadership, Silent Warrior, Fire, Irreplaceable

Dear Wonderful Fans,

If I had to describe this weekend to you in one word, I’d say that it was magical. From a tennis standpoint, we had two really good wins against Virginia Tech and Virginia. Big Ray fought unbelievably in her match against Virginia to remain undefeated this season and Reka’s win against Virginia Tech moved her to the most ACC wins in Duke history. However, what made this weekend even more special was the fact that we could share it with our parents. With the hustle and bustle of Duke life, we often forget how important our parents have been in getting us to where we are today. If it were not for them, I doubt that we would have the honor and privilege of representing a school of such a high caliber. I know that seeing my parents made me think of how grateful I am for everything that they have done for me.

On Saturday, Jamie treated us all to an amazing dinner at the University Club. I know that the team was extremely excited about the rare occasion of being able to trade sports clothing for something a little more spiffy. Parents, girls and coaches mingled with excited chatter and enjoyed delicious food. Towards the end of the evening, Jamie rose to give a speech about something that is really difficult to think about— our seniors graduating.

Yes, I had originally planned to dedicate this blog to our parents, but Jamie’s speech on Saturday made me very aware of the fact that as our season draws closer to an end, we move closer to a time that we all wished we could avoid.

Leadership— Liz Plotkin, or otherwise known as “grandma thunder” or “lil Liz” is one of the most assertive, forward leaders I have ever met. I believe that with her leadership and guidance on this team, we were able to become much more integrated. There have been countless occasions where Liz has stepped up and has confronted an issue that was bothering the team. No matter how insignificant someone’s problem may seem, Liz has been the person who has settled unnecessary conflicts and has formed a link between the team and the coaches. Additionally, Liz is a true inspiration. I don’t think I know of anyone else that has had two very serious knee surgeries and has come back to play amazing tennis the way she has. I think the girls on our team look up to Liz in a big way as she shows the true meaning of “nothing is impossible.”

Silent Warrior— Jamie’s description of Ellah on Saturday night was something that definitely stood out for me and I’m sure stood out to the rest of the team as well. He said that in his 14 years at Duke, he had never seen a player grow as much as Ellah. Now, I wasn’t here when El was a freshman but in my time here at Duke, Ellah has been someone that I have developed great respect for. On the court, she shows tremendous fight and will power. Off the court, I think El is one of the most selfless and genuine girls I have met. She is a true friend who always has valuable advice to give. El is not a very loud person by nature, but she still manages to be a huge presence on our team. In our warm up on Saturday El was a little late coming back from the training room and every girl noticed that she wasn’t there. It felt weird not to have El on the court with us for that short time which shows how significant her role is on the team. She has definitely earned the respect of her fellow teammates.

Fire— This sums up Nadine Fahoum’s personality on and off the court. Nadine only arrived at Duke a year ago and has adapted and integrated into our team dynamic as well as anyone could hope for. I personally feel as if I have known her for much longer. To every practice, match or team activity, Nadine brings so much laughter, light heartedness and fun to the group. We all feel so lucky that she chose to transfer to Duke because in addition to the amazing tennis that she has brought, she has added life to our team and makes everything so much more enjoyable.

Irreplaceable— Reka Zsilinszka. That’s all I can say if I want to be accurate— Reka Zsilinszka is irreplaceable. I do not think that one can come up with a single word that can describe Reka’s impact on our team. Her crazy goofiness mixed with her compassion and selflessness make her the epitome of a team player. Reka has impacted all our lives in a profound way because of her continuous effort to bond the team and include everyone in all activities. She is a role model. Obviously, her collection of awards that she has garnered over her time at Duke make her an inspiration. But I think that it is her pure heart and good intentions that make her someone that we all look up to. I know that Reks has made my life at Duke so much easier and happier. All the girls will agree with me when I say that her unique position on our team cannot be replaced.


Tomorrow, we play against our major rivals— UNC – at Chapel Hill at 3PM. If you can make it to our match, I know we all will greatly appreciate it. GTHC!

This weekend is senior weekend as we play our last two home matches of the season. We play Clemson on Saturday at 12 PM and Georgia Tech on Sunday also at 12 PM. Come out and cheer on DWT’s special seniors!


Yours in tennis,

Monica Gorny and the rest of DWT

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Team First

Dear Wonderful Fans,

During our lifting session today I was inspired by something in our team that has been distinctly present throughout this semester, and throughout our time together as a team thus far. A catchy phrase that we have used both seriously and jokingly sums it up: TEAM FIRST! During our more challenging lift today, it was evident that we all could feel the effects of the intensive season on our bodies. We have been working hard throughout the semester and as we move further into our ACC matches, we all realize that it is not going to get easier. However, what is remarkable (and I use today’s lift as an example), is that despite the fatigue and aches that we all feel to a certain extent, there has barely been any complaining. Instead there has been an increase in encouragement and a strong sense of togetherness. This togetherness in our team, both on and off the court, has made our season so much more enjoyable because no matter what the challenge may be, we have each other’s backs and that reassurance is enough to get us through the toughest of times.

In a sports psychology session with Greg Dale this semester we discussed our core team values and the importance of adhering to them. In amongst others such as trust and fight, “team first” came up and seems to have had the most profound effect on our team. Why? Because countless hours of hard work, determination and oodles of fight would not be as satisfying if we only did it for ourselves. Knowing that by working hard you’re also improving your team is so much more motivating and rewarding and in college tennis, this is the key to a successful program.

Yes, we are a tennis team and therefore we associate the “team first “idea with tennis related activities. But, to put your team first in tennis, you need to put your team first in other aspects of your life as well. This season has proved that we are all willing to do this. Mary Clayton is a great example of this. In doubles, I must admit that I usually have the jitters at the beginnings of matches but Mary has taken the time to figure out what she can do to try and relieve me of this problem. She uses seemingly insignificant things such as smiling more often to try and relax me and this has made the world of difference. Additionally, it is no secret that Mar has been steam rolling her opponents in the last few matches. Instead of dwelling in her victory, Mary immediately goes to another court to cheer on a teammate as if her personal success depended on it. Off the court, Mary also exemplifies the “team first” idea. All the girls will agree with me when I say that Mary is a “social butterfly” and has many friends around Duke campus because of her bubbly, friendly personality. However, she is always willing to help her team out first. I know that I not only treasure Mary’s friendship, but I also respect her for the way in which she selflessly thinks and puts the team above herself.

DWT can be described as a successful tennis team. But to us, DWT is a family where everything we do is for the benefit of each other. Every single girl is the most important part of the team and we all realize and maintain that idea. This will hopefully help us be successful this season and for seasons to come. But more importantly, I hope that this helps us in our futures where we can remain friends and help each other in times of need. TEAM FIRST!

This week we are leaving for two away matches to continue our ACC play:

On Friday we play Boston College and on Sunday we play Maryland.

Thank you for all your support so far this season. It has been really helpful to all of us!


Yours in tennis,

Monica Gorny and the rest of DWT

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

DWT on Spring Break in Arizona: Update 1

Dear Wonderful Fans,

As you all know, we’re on our spring break in Arizona at the moment. We’ve been blessed with amazingly warm weather over the past few days and as a result, we have a few burnt faces on our team. In amongst practicing, the last couple of days have been really relaxing and a good break from the bustle of our really demanding lives at Duke. Here is a summary of what we have been up to...

On Monday, we started off with a good practice session that started us on the road to getting acclimatized to the conditions. It’s really dry here so the ball travels through the air a little faster. It definitely takes some getting used to. After practice, some girls went on a hike with Marc. I did not go so I don’t know the specific details but I did hear some entertaining stories. Firstly, the girls that went said that it was more of a mountain climbing experience than a hike. Liz’s scratched-up running shoes are proof enough. Despite the evidence that indicates how strenuous this hike was, apparently Mary was on a role and practically ran up and down the mountain. But, the person who was the most prominently spoken about after this expedition was our awesomely funny freshman- Hanna! We all know that cactuses are not something that one can just touch and I’m sure you’ll all agree that there is a clear difference between a cactus and a rock. Well, apparently dear Hanna tried to grab onto a cactus for support while climbing down the mountain. When asked what inspired her to do this, she simply said that it looked like a rock to her. A rock? A green, prickly rock? Thank goodness that she didn’t manage to grab hold of it or else things may have ended badly. This story has evolved over the past three days. Today, the consensus is that Hanna jumped on a cactus. I don’t know the real truth but I must say that the story is extremely entertaining. Go Han!

Yesterday, we went on a shopping expedition to an outlet mall five minutes away from our hotel. I’m sure all the girls will agree with me when I say that it was successful. We all walked out with multiple bags in our hands. Reka and Ellah were late coming out of the mall because apparently they got “lost” – in a circular mall with numerous signs indicating the exits. Or, they hadn’t had enough of their epic shopping spree. I’ll leave it to you to decide.

Today, we were treated to a movie— The Adjustment Bureau. It was a really good movie. But was even better (not everyone will agree with me on this one— especially not our coaches), was Reka’s commentating. “Oh my gosh, they like love each other…sigh…gasp…. giggle.” You didn’t have to be actually present at the movie to know what was going on.

As you can see, there is never a boring moment on this team. We have a wonderful bunch of girls that make the most of every opportunity to have fun while still keeping “the eyes on the prize.” Tomorrow we take on the Arizona State Sun Devils and on Friday we play California. The last few days of practice have definitely been good preparation for our tasks ahead and we’re ready to battle it out over the next two days.


Yours in tennis,

Monica Gorny and the rest of DWT

Sunday, March 6, 2011

All the Way From Israel: Fiery Fahoum

Dearest Wonderful Fans,

As I am writing this blog, we are on a plane to Phoenix, Arizona for our spring break trip. We are all so grateful that we’ll be in a wonderfully warm and sunny area so that we can shed our pasty selves and come back to campus in a week, flaunting flattering tans. In between exciting activities that I’m sure Jamie has planned for us, we will be further acclimatizing to outdoor conditions, ending the trip with two dual matches against Arizona State and California. Spring break is always one of the most fun trips of the season so we’re all very excited to see what the week holds in store for us.

In the last two blogs I introduced to you our two amazing freshmen— Big Ray and Han. In this blog, I’d like to introduce you to our third and final newcomer of this year— Nadine Fahoum (or purely Fahoum as she is known to us). In her few months at Duke, Israeli-born Fahoum has brought a diverse array of essential dimensions to this team. Tennis enthusiasts always say that the two most important characteristics that a tennis player needs in order to succeed are mental strength and heart. Fahoum is one of the most passionate players that I have ever come across. She is not only out there to play a good game of tennis and win, but she is also out there to play the game that she loves. No matter how insignificant a match may be, Fahoum’s heart is always in it. There is no doubt that everyone enjoys winning. But Fahoum also loves the fight and this is why it is such a pleasure to watch her out there.

An important thing to note about Fahoum is the fact that she is an international, transfer student. Not a lot of us can relate to this. I can assure you that this can make entering a closely-knit team such as ours a lot more challenging. However, from the first day that Fahoum set foot on Duke’s campus, one would think that she had always been a part of our team. Her spunk and fiery personality make her an outstanding teammate, and above all, an amazing friend. Whether one needs advice or just someone to talk to, Fahoum will stop what she’s doing and direct her full attention to you. Additionally, she is someone that you can trust with anything. I know that she has earned our respect for her ability to mediate any conflicts without betraying any trusts.

Evidently, Fahoum can be a mature and serious person when that is what is required. However, she can be a total goof as well. One thing that Fahoum will never live down within our team is her denial of the fact that she has an Israeli accent. Try and tell her that, and she’ll deny it with a heavily accented “Don’t tok tu me.” I cannot describe to you how entertaining this is. Additionally, Fahoum has an “interesting” music taste. On our team, it is often described as flat out atrocious. Personally, I do like some of the songs that Fahoum likes, with the emphasis on “some.” But generally, her music cannot be described as our team’s “songs of choice.” Before a practice about two weeks ago, Fahoum sent out a mass text saying that she had a really good, new playlist to play during our practice. We all were really excited, because seldomly does anyone create a playlist for the sole purpose of practicing to it. As practice began, so did the first songs. By the fifth song we had all had enough. Not only had none of us heard these songs before, but also some of them were not even in English. These instances of Fahoum’s international flavor and humor bring us so many laughs and we all love her for it.


As mentioned above, we are playing Arizona State and California this week. This blog has been updated weekly so far, but because it is our spring break trip, I will try to keep you all updated on a more frequent basis so please follow us on the blog site: or on the Facebook Duke Tennis page.

Go Duke!

Yours in Tennis,

Monica Gorny and the rest of DWT.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hands + Hard Work + Humor = Hanna

Dear Wonderful Fans,

Last weekend we played our hearts out at the National Indoors. Unfortunately we lost to Florida in the semi-finals. But, it was an amazing run and I think we all learned a lot from the experience and we look forward to our next matches. We moved up to number 4 in the ITA National rankings so we’re all really excited about that! But, the hard work definitely does not stop there and we’re all working super hard as we move into our first outdoor matches this week.

I want to use this blog to introduce to you our other amazing freshman, Hanna Mar, or “Handsy Hanna.” Now if there is anyone’s touch that I envy, it is definitely Hanna’s. From absolutely amazing volleys to her “tweeners” (and I can’t explain this term to you… you’d have to see it for yourself), Hanna can basically hit any shot in the book. As I’m sure you all know, it’s an absolute treat to watch her play because of her vigorous on court energy. I know we can all learn from her diverse game.

Like Big Ray, Han brings her own special dimension to our team. First and foremost, she is one of the hardest workers on our team. No matter what she is doing, one can trust that she will give it her all. For example, when we have our Howser conditioning sessions Hanna does every drill, no matter how seemingly insignificant it seems, at 110% effort level. She also never complains. I have yet to hear an “agh, I don’t feel like this” or an “ I can’t” from her. This is a remarkable trait that I know I envy, especially because she’s still a freshman. She pushes us all to work harder.

However serious Hanna is about working hard, she is equally really witty and fun to be around. Firstly, it is important to note that Hanna is a math GENIOUS! This is no joke. But what makes us laugh is the way that she applies her mathematical skills to everyday situations. Actually at National Indoors last weekend we were practicing serves and instead of saying, “let’s switch sides” Han said, “let’s change angles.” Once Jamie indicated that he had no clue what she had said, Hanna tried to explain by using some mathematical lingo and trying to depict an angle with her hands. I can’t really express in words how funny this was but we all couldn’t breath we were laughing so hard.

Yes, Hanna has an amazingly mathematical brain but play a Taylor Swift song and you might want to put some earplugs in. I experienced this when I roomed with Hanna at a tournament in California last semester. I played “You Belong With Me” in the room and no sooner had it started playing when Hanna broke into really loud song. However, instead of keeping in tune, Han was about 5 tones off. This was HILLARIOUS! There have been many such instances. But what is even more amusing is the fact that Hanna actually admits to her “not -so -awesome” singing and does it in spite of everything. I know that we all absolutely treasure her goofiness!


This week we’re heading into 2 matches. On Wednesday we play Wake Forest at 3PM at home.

On Friday we play NC State at 3PM away.

Please come out and show your support on Wednesday at our first outdoor match!


Yours in tennis,

Monica Gorny and the rest of DWT

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Big Ray with the BIG Game, but an even BIGGER Heart…

Dear Wonderful Fans,

As promised I’d like to start introducing our Duke Women’s Tennis stars to you so that you can get to know them a little better. This week, I’d like to introduce to you a girl that has not only brought with her a beastly game to our program, but a girl who holds a very special place in all our hearts. To you all she is known as the star freshman, Rachel Kahan. But to us she is known as BIG RAY!

Yes, I could probably spend hours talking about Rachel’s absolutely amazing tennis—one that all of us marvel at— but that is not what this blog is about. So from now on, I am going to refer to her as Big Ray because that’s exactly what she is to us!

As soon as Ray made her first appearance at Duke, we all knew that she was going to be an absolute sweetheart. Initially, she was a meek girl who brightened our days with her delightful smile. However, very soon we learnt that Ray not only had a beautiful smile, but she also had a beautiful heart. Hampered by an ankle injury last semester, Ray wasn’t able to showcase her outstanding tennis abilities. While others would dwell in their sorrow and be completely disheartened, Ray took to impacting the team in the only way that she could- huge amounts of support. Ask any of the girls and they will tell you that Ray is the epitome of a team player.

I remember one practice where Ray came up with the idea of filling up all our water bottles, even if they were not yet empty. Soon she was hobbling back and forth filling our water bottles AND adding ice to them (Something that no one else would think of doing) for the whole 2 hours. No one had caught on to what Ray was up to for the first hour, but after a while we all realized that instead of emptying, our water bottles were filling. When confronted, Ray answered, “do you need more water? Anybody? I’m going there anyway.” This was so out of the ordinary that we were all completely gob smacked. Who would ever volunteer to fill our water bottles, especially when they were still recovering from an injury? Only Big Ray.

This is only an example of many other instances where Ray has gone out of her way to help us. She not only helps in her actions, but in her words. When Ray cheers for us, our spirits are lifted. When you need to be comforted, Ray offers such kind words that you immediately feel better. And what does she do this for? For absolutely nothing. In fact Ray completely shies away from praise even though she well deserves it. She’s barely been here a semester and a half and already she has impacted our team in ways that we, ourselves don’t even realize.

So, when you see Big Ray around remember that she not only has a Big Game, But a Massive heart and that’s what we all should cheer for! GO BIG RAAAAY!

On a separate note, we are off to the National Team Indoors for this weekend where we will face some of the top teams in the nation. We have been training really hard since our close fought battle with Florida on Sunday and we’re ready to take it to them and bring home the tournament title. Our first match is at 12:30 PM on Friday against Tennessee.

Here is a link to the draw:$%2127s+National+Team+Indoor/2011+Women$%2127s+Team+Indoor+%28Wisconsin%29/2011_WTI_Draw.pdf


Yours in tennis,

Monica Gorny and the rest of Duke Women’s Tennis

Friday, February 11, 2011

Duke Tennis's HUGE Weekend

Dearest Wonderful Duke Fans,

Even though this goes without saying, I would like to start off by thanking all of you for your superb support so far this season. The encouragement has been outstanding and the Duke Women’s Tennis team is tremendously grateful to all of you. On our part, I must say that we haven’t been good enough at touching base with you on a regular basis. However, this is about to change.

Obviously, you know us for our on court tennis skills as this is all you see…But did you know that the same Ellah Nze who conducts herself with utmost professionalism and seriousness on court can be easily plunged into fits of giggles? And, did you know that the team’s warrior, Reka Zsilinska, who completely wears her opponents down with her unmatchable consistency is a crazy nutter off the court? Yes, we want you all to get to know our off-court selves better so that when you watch us, you’re not just supporting an awesome tennis player but you are also supporting a unique personality. Hopefully, through this blog we can achieve this aim.

This week, we’ve all been intensely preparing for our HUGE match against Florida this Sunday. In our locker room conversations, we’ve been discussing how happy we are that we’re playing the Gators at home rather than having to travel there. For one, we don’t have to miss additional days of class but most importantly we’re going to have all of you behind us! THIS MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE! Having reassuring faces to look up at and hearing our names being shouted out is a huge factor in getting us through matches. I’m not just saying this; it’s absolutely true. One of the team’s personal favorites is the slow clap on match points… This not only pumps us up to win the point, but it actually gets rid of some of the match point jitters that we experience. Your faith in us is both flattering and significantly motivating.

I would also like to use this introductory blog as an opportunity to clarify that tennis IS a LOUD sport. Don’t be shy to cheer and chant as much as you like. Obviously, insulting the opposing team isn’t the way to do this, but “Go Duke”, “Go Devils” and anything else you come up with are all acceptable! And we love loud clapping so please please please don’t be shy!

This weekend is a wonderful opportunity for Duke Tennis in general:

The Duke Tennis Men’s team is playing #3 Tennessee tomorrow at 6PM. I know that they’ll very much appreciate your support as they battle it out and hopefully come out on top!

And then on Sunday, the Duke Women’s Tennis team is taking on the #2 Florida Gators at NOON. Please come out and show your support and don’t be shy to cheer as LOUD as you desire!

Best in tennis,

Monica Gorny and the rest of Duke Women’s Tennis

P.S I’ve attached a photo of us in practice earlier today! Thumbs up to us crushing the Gators (sorry about its blurriness).

::::Desktop:IMG-20110211-00008.jpgGO DUKE!

Duke Women's Tennis Update

Dear Royal Blue Members and Tennis Supporters,

I wanted to thank you for all the support you have given both teams at the start of our seasons and of course wanted to thank you in advance for the rest of the year. I thought it would be nice to give you a quick update as to how our team was doing and some different things we have been working on. After our Northwestern and Indiana matches last week we felt we really needed to do a better job with our doubles and have been working hard all week. We have tried to emphasize to our girls that doubles is a lot about attitude and if you walk on the court believing you are going to win your match that is 90 percent of the battle.

There is a huge difference between saying “ I could win” vs “I should win” and we are working to instill that mindset into our team. You may seem some new doubles combinations in our next few matches, our goal as a team is to find the combinations that give us the best chance of winning the doubles point, not just trying to find one great team. In singles both Marc and I feel like we are getting better every time we go on the court. We having been working on being more disciplined and trying to have our team understand the differences in the types of errors they are making. We have been talking a lot about physical errors vs mental errors and in that of course trying to eliminate the mental errors. Everyone in the world makes physical errors on the tennis court (missing a forehand for example) what we want our team to look at is where they missed that forehand and was it because they made a bad decision on where to hit it. Hopefully this weekend and over the course of the next few weeks you will see a highly energized, disciplined team!!

On a personal note I want to add how much we love working with this group of girls. They put a lot into making all of us in the Duke tennis family proud and I hope when you walk away from a match you recognize that. We always talk about giving our fans an exciting product to watch and I think this group is getting better at that every time we walk on the court. Thank you for being such great supporters of both the men’s and women’s tennis teams here at Duke and hopefully we see you out at our matches.

All the Best,

Jamie Ashworth

Duke Women’s Tennis

Friday, January 7, 2011

Hills Family Trip - Hawaii Day 3

Hey everyone,

Day 3 of Hawaii is in the books and it was another incredible day. After an early wake up we headed to our amazing hotel breakfast as I'm sure everyone watched on Jared's video yesterday. Before we knew it we were back on the courts for our first practice and we got some good singles work in. Practices are improving daily, along with overall team intensity. I can tell my teammates sense how close our first match is and the importance of starting off on the right foot.

After morning practice we went for lunch at a local sandwich shop and relaxed for around and hour. We then proceeded to our second practice which primarily focused on doubles. During breaks it can sometimes be hard to get solid doubles practices in so everyone was happy to put in the extra work. Not to mention doubles drills are some of the most fun (especially when they end with butts up as you will see in the video). After the second practice we had a couple hours of free time and most of the guys headed down to the beach. A couple of us stayed behind to lift some weights to make sure we were looking our best at the beach (suns out guns out as Coach P likes to say), and one or two took naps.

The beach was a blast as usual. Today we brought a tennis ball out and were playing the game 500. The rules are fairly simple with a designated thrower that calls out a number when he throws the ball in the air, if someone from the group catches the ball he gets the points, and if someone gets to 500 they become the thrower. Luckily everyone came out injury free! After a good hour and a half of hanging and playing around in the ocean we went back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. Tonight we went to Duke's which was a fantastic restaurant with and even better view. It was half inside and half outside overlooking the ocean. Additionally, they had some great live local music.

Possibly the most noteworthy event of the day was the arrival of Cunha. After nearly 24 hrs straight of flying he finally made it to the hotel. He looked pretty tired as expected and promptly headed to the shower before having a quick bite to eat. That pretty much sums up day 3 of our trip, I hope you guys are enjoying our little recaps and the videos we've been making. Finally, I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm not the most technologically inclined person and my video didn't quite turn out as I had hoped but you should still be able to see some fun and interesting clips.


Hills Family Trip - Hawaii Day 2

Aloha everyone,

Day 2 in Hawaii! Waking up to another 82 degrees and all sun, another day in paradise. We started off the day going to an amazing buffet breakfast with some of the best tasting fruits we’ve ever had. After eating a good amount of food, we all loaded up the vans and headed to the courts for a practice with the Louisville tennis team. It was a good way to really get into the match mode mentality and get the competitive juices flowing. After a set of doubles and a couple sets of singles, our day became even more exciting. We headed to the North Shore of the island where some of the biggest waves in the world are. A surfing competition was taking place so we watched that for a while and then decided to test the unknown waters ourselves. We made it in to about our knees until everyone was on their back falling into the water. The ocean kicked my butt today stealing my sunglasses and necklace, so mad!! After some tackling in the sand, some competitions of who would be the last knocked down in the water, and staring at some cute girls, we headed back to the hotel through a beautiful scenic route with mountains, crazy trees, and the ocean on our side the whole time. We had some good chicken and burgers for dinner, and are all so exhausted from the action packed day. Keep everyone updated, more to come about tomorrow!

-Jared Pinsky

Hills Family Trip - Hawaii Day 1

First of all I would like to thank the Hills family very much for this trip. It is the first time the whole Duke Tennis guys and girls teams are travelling together, and it is the first time we have had a chance to have such a great time in preparation for the spring season. Hawaii has been an absolute paradise so far, and we have only been here for one day.

Today was our first official practice day. We started the day with an awesome breakfast with a lot of fruits and a few new local dishes. Everybody was starving, probably because by then it was 1PM in Duke’s time zone. We headed straight from breakfast to practice where we hit for around an hour and a half. The weather is awesome to play and most of our players were playing shirtless exhibiting their muscles, specially our muscle monster Jared Pinsky (NOT). The courts are pretty slow and the ball bounces pretty high, very different from the indoor courts we are used to playing on this time of the year in the East Coast. So it was great that we got here early in the week to adapt.

After the morning practice we split the team in two groups to get lunch, some went to Subway and the others went to a local sandwich chain next door, which supposedly was amazing (of course I was in the Subway group). After lunch we headed back to the courts for our second practice where we played a few points to start getting into the dual match state of mind.

This afternoon after practice we had free time to do whatever we wanted. We divided in a few groups but most of us ended up going to the beach and the swimming pool to work on our tan and try and get into the Hawaiian lifestyle. At 6:15 we met up in the lobby to eat dinner in the Lu Lu’s restaurant.

Being from Brazil it was great playing tennis in the warm weather again and getting my Brazilian color back. It is a little weird to walk around and listen to everybody speaking English since I am so used to going to the beach only in Brazil, where everybody speaks only Portuguese. Also it is the first time I got to chill in the beach with my teammates, which was also great.

I hope this blog shows you guys a little bit of the insights of our amazing trip. It would be great if you guys could be here to enjoy these moments with us. This is all for today,

Alain Michel