Friday, February 11, 2011

Duke Tennis's HUGE Weekend

Dearest Wonderful Duke Fans,

Even though this goes without saying, I would like to start off by thanking all of you for your superb support so far this season. The encouragement has been outstanding and the Duke Women’s Tennis team is tremendously grateful to all of you. On our part, I must say that we haven’t been good enough at touching base with you on a regular basis. However, this is about to change.

Obviously, you know us for our on court tennis skills as this is all you see…But did you know that the same Ellah Nze who conducts herself with utmost professionalism and seriousness on court can be easily plunged into fits of giggles? And, did you know that the team’s warrior, Reka Zsilinska, who completely wears her opponents down with her unmatchable consistency is a crazy nutter off the court? Yes, we want you all to get to know our off-court selves better so that when you watch us, you’re not just supporting an awesome tennis player but you are also supporting a unique personality. Hopefully, through this blog we can achieve this aim.

This week, we’ve all been intensely preparing for our HUGE match against Florida this Sunday. In our locker room conversations, we’ve been discussing how happy we are that we’re playing the Gators at home rather than having to travel there. For one, we don’t have to miss additional days of class but most importantly we’re going to have all of you behind us! THIS MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE! Having reassuring faces to look up at and hearing our names being shouted out is a huge factor in getting us through matches. I’m not just saying this; it’s absolutely true. One of the team’s personal favorites is the slow clap on match points… This not only pumps us up to win the point, but it actually gets rid of some of the match point jitters that we experience. Your faith in us is both flattering and significantly motivating.

I would also like to use this introductory blog as an opportunity to clarify that tennis IS a LOUD sport. Don’t be shy to cheer and chant as much as you like. Obviously, insulting the opposing team isn’t the way to do this, but “Go Duke”, “Go Devils” and anything else you come up with are all acceptable! And we love loud clapping so please please please don’t be shy!

This weekend is a wonderful opportunity for Duke Tennis in general:

The Duke Tennis Men’s team is playing #3 Tennessee tomorrow at 6PM. I know that they’ll very much appreciate your support as they battle it out and hopefully come out on top!

And then on Sunday, the Duke Women’s Tennis team is taking on the #2 Florida Gators at NOON. Please come out and show your support and don’t be shy to cheer as LOUD as you desire!

Best in tennis,

Monica Gorny and the rest of Duke Women’s Tennis

P.S I’ve attached a photo of us in practice earlier today! Thumbs up to us crushing the Gators (sorry about its blurriness).

::::Desktop:IMG-20110211-00008.jpgGO DUKE!

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